Protein Day

Top of the mornin’ to ya!

Ok, so the theme has continued.  I thought that since the sun had come out yesterday evening after the big storm, that it was all over.

It was, until 4:30 this morning when another storm hit. And the rain has been going nonstop since!

Lots of rain!

Our radar is completely covered! I hope this doesn’t mean more flooding in the near future.  I feel so bad for all of those who has had damage due to the never-ending dark clouds and raindrops.  The war between Mother Nature and I rages on.

I did forget to share this with you, though.  Yesterday, when the storm was finally losing its power and rage, I got a shot of this:

Phone quality, but still an rainbow nontheless!

Today, as my bike race quickly approaches, I am making sure I get as much protein and water into my body as possible.  I started out the day with a big ziploc full of Kashi GoLean Crunch! A whole 9 grams of protein to start off the morning.

According to some research and calculations, I should be getting anywhere from 55 grams to 150 grams of protein daily.  That’s a huge difference!  I am going to try and get as much as I can today and see where I fall between that range.

I also am keeping my trusty sidekick with me as well.

The whole swim team gets issued the same bottles here, so my silly band helped me quickly pick mine out at practice!

Ok, off to get some work done!

What is your favorite source of protein?

What’s on your agenda for the day?


Filed under Life

20 responses to “Protein Day

  1. I use to put a rubber band on mine too! Great minds think alike

  2. Awe your map almost made it to me! Wahooo. Anywho-it’s raining like it’s its job here today too. Rude. My favorite way to get protein is fish or the protein powder in my pancakes. 😉

  3. dang pretty intense storm

    not sure about favorite source of protein… i do really enjoy animal protein – eggs, fish, meats, etc.
    non-meat I really like greek yogurt and chocolate flavored protein powder :))

  4. It rained here all night too! Started at about 8:30-ish through about 6 this morning. Now it’s just cloudy and dreary looking out 😦

  5. I think my favorite source of protein comes from peanutbutter!

  6. I had to run in that rain today It was perfect running weather, but afterwards I was FREEZING!
    Favorite source of protein is definitely yogurt and cottage cheese.

  7. Woah, that is some serious rain! I agree with Tara, my favorite sources are yogurt and cottage cheese 🙂 or a perfectly cooked piece of fish!!

  8. Rach @ This Italian Family

    Aww pretty rainbow! Definitely a positive that comes out of all the rain. 🙂

  9. At least there was a rainbow to brighten up your day! for protein i like meat and protein bars. 🙂

  10. Pingback: Brrrrr…. | life after swimming

  11. My favorite soure of protein is PEANUT BUTTER!!!

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