Cookie Exchange

Remember when I made Cookies and Crème cookies for a cookie swap? Well, that swap happened Saturday night!  I’ll just start by saying that it was definitely a huge success!  The hostess definitely had the mostest Smile

Here’s how it worked: everyone invited makes four to five dozen cookies and separates them into half dozens in bags or on plates.  Everyone then brings the cookies to a party and displays them (with their recipe) for all to see.  Depending on how many plates or bags of cookies you brought, you will then choose that many.  For example, I made four dozen which was eight bags worth.  So that means I chose eight different cookies to sample!


All of the types were perfection.  Believe me, all of my dozens are already gone.  Ok, you may think I am a huge fatty by that statement.  But, in reality, I gave a plate to a friend, my boss, and also to my friend who watched Geno all weekend.  And Travis came over yesterday to help me sample them, too! Winking smile As if I needed help…


There were Snickerdoodles, seven layer bars, pumpkin chocolate chips, Rolo cookies, mint cookies, Mexican wedding cookies, and so many more.  It was hard to choose which ones I wanted!

We also had some yummy food and drinks! And c’mon, would you have expected anything else than me sampling every munchie available?


Swedish meatballs, Brie inside of bready goodness, and spin-art dip!


Mini-grilled cheeses…my mom’s amazing recipe!


And one of my all-time favorites…buffalo chicken dip! So addictive!


There was also a fudge tower, does life get any better?

I think it is safe to say that I loved this party so much.  Maybe too much. Maybe it was the sleepiness due to the race? Eh, oh well! It was nice to hang out with girls that I wasn’t really familiar with (as it was with my sister and her friends).  I usually don’t bust out of my comfort zone often! It was also very well themed, and the best theme at that! There was holiday music, decorations, even the plates! She definitely deserved an A++++ for the party!

Question for you: have you ever been to a Cookie Swap party?


Filed under Food, Friends, Life, Weekend

11 responses to “Cookie Exchange

  1. Um I want to dive into that fudge tower!

  2. dayglows

    Just stumbled upon your blog and I love it. I’m a former swimmer too but quit after my freshman year in college. Trying to stay active I turned to running and fell in love with it. This cookie exchange looks so awesome, I’ve always wanted to do one!

  3. What a fun event! I would love to participate in something like this. It would be interesting to see what different cookie flavors and types that people contribute!

  4. Kim @ Eat, Live, and Blog

    It sounds like a great event! All of the food look delicious! 🙂

  5. Cookie exchanges are my favorite! I love having a variety of cookies on hand. I love the seven layer bars! We need to have a fudge tower at ours. That sounds like a dream!!

  6. I wish I had a cookie swap to go to! Looks like SO much fun 🙂

  7. What a neat event! Maybe next year we need to do a Christmas Cookie Blogger Swap!

  8. caloricandcrazy

    never been to a cookie swap but doesn’t it look good!!!!

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