A Look into August

Today, I woke up on the right side of the bed.

Even though I got a good attack from Geno this morning, I was still in a good mood all day, and I was even mildly productive!

My battle wounds from Mr. Kitten

I finished the book I was reading, went to the store, put together my tutoring lesson for this week, watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt. 1, cleaned my room, went for an 11.8 mile bike ride, and made some chocolate chip boatmeal for my breakfasts this week. Wahoo! Go me!

Today got me thinking about the rest of the month.  I have a lot to look forward to this month, and I thought I would let you all in on what I have planned!

First up: Now that I have finally read all of the Harry Potter books and watched the first seven movies, this weekend I am going to see the final movie in IMAX! 🙂

Also this weekend, I am going to see the man that I love.  Andrew McMahon and Jack’s Mannequin are playing in Baltimore on August 7th, and I am going! If you don’t know who he is, check out my love for him here.

I just love him...

Following the concert, I am heading back to my sister’s house for a few days.  I interned at the Library of Congress last summer, and I am going to go back to visit my boss and coworkers.  While I am there, I feel another trip to Trader Joe’s is necessary! From DC, my sister and I are heading to my parent’s house for my next adventure!

My family and I as well as Travis are heading to Canada for a few days.  I haven’t been there in a few years, and Travis has never been there at all.  We are spending the weekend around Niagara Falls, and I cannot wait!

American side of the falls with my college swim team a few years back!

The month doesn’t end there, though! After Canada, I will be back in Shippensburg for a few days before heading back to my parent’s house.  First, I am getting my hair chopped for Locks of Love (assuming it is finally long enough).  The next day, my cousin and his fiance are getting married! 🙂 Yay! I love weddings and I am so excited for them!

I think that may be all I have planned. Working a few days here and there and classes starting up should also be included, though neither of them are nearly as fun as the rest of my month.  Throughout the month, I will still be training for my bike ride which is coming up in September! 🙂

Now, I want to hear what you have in store for your month of August.

Do you have any things you are packing into the last month of summer?

What do you have planned for this month? 

A parting picture:

I pledge allegiance, to the flag...



Filed under Life

23 responses to “A Look into August

  1. Travis

    That is one cool cat!

  2. Ah I love Andrew too, and the 7th movie is amazing!

  3. ittybitsofbalance

    You have quite a packed August planned 🙂

    I wanted to cut my hair for locks of love a few months back but it wasn’t long enough 😦 booooooo

  4. What a great month you have coming up! We have a few things this month, wine tasting, family in town but not as much as you! I plan to enjoy the last month of summer but honestly I’m really looking forward to fall when it’s a bit more comfortable around here. Enjoy all of your upcoming events!

  5. Woo! you do have lots of good things planned for this month, huh?

    And you are going to LOVE the movie. By far the best one.

  6. I’m in love with your kitten. He looks just like mine 🙂
    I wish I was going to that concert on the 7th – but I’ll be getting my ass kicked in my first triathlon. Have fun!!

    • Hehe! I just looked at a picture of your cat, and they do look really similar!!

      As for the Jack’s Mannequin concert…I just received word that they will be in Pittsburgh October 11th! Too bad it is a Tuesday, though.. 😦

  7. LOL! Love the kitty pic. I always have scratches on me from my cats too 😀

  8. Wow, that is quite an action-packed August. 🙂 I didn’t know you were donating your hair…that’s amazing, Nikki!

  9. Er

    Okay I feel like we have so much in common because I LOVE JACK’S MANNEQUIN! And in high school I was mildly obsessed with Something Corporate…so jealous. I haven’t seen them in years!

  10. Oh what a nice month you have planned! This month I am going to the beach with a few friends and also my cousins wedding.. should be fun 🙂

  11. I went to Niagara falls a loooong time ago. It was one of my favorite vacations! I have a lot going on this month. i’m going to florida this weekend (the wizarding world of harry potter awaits!), then i go to another cross country camp, and when i get back preseason starts! I feel like summer is coming to an end so quickly!!

  12. Pingback: Canada Bound | life after swimming

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