Home workout!

With the way my busy schedule has been lately mixed with the fact that I can’t run without pain in my shin, I have been resorting to a lot of home workouts.

Today’s workout started with a little bit of this:


Forty minutes to be exact.  Hard intervals and some long hills.  A.k.a. sweat galore.

Then, some of this:

I found these daily workout pins on Pinterest the other day.  They are simple, but add a little bit of oomph to my days. If I do one every day, I can guarantee at least a little heart pumping and maybe a bit of strength, too.  (To find the other days, head over to my Pinboards!)

I am also pretty proud of myself.  I have made my own meal for every breakfast, lunch, and dinner this week thus far (I know, it’s only Tuesday.  But still!).  No frozen meals or anything. Which I used to resort to a lot for my lunches.  I am trying to eat healthier.  And to motivate myself to follow portion control and drink water instead of having my late night snacks.

Other than the weekends, this has been fairly successful.  I just need to break down the mental barrier that allows me to lose control of what I eat each weekend.  Totally not ok.  Plus I don’t really workout!  I think I gain more over two days than I burn off the rest of the week!

Ok well Glee and New Girl are back to being new tonight! Woot woot! Stay tuned tomorrow…I will actually show you some of what I have been making myself as of late Smile

Happy Tuesday to you!

Oh, and check this out.  Having a good friend with Cystic Fibrosis made me love this even more.  Plus, I rode in the CF Cycle for Life with the owner of this gym! I wish I lived near a Cross Fit gym!!!!

What’s your excuse? What keeps you from doing things that you wish you could do? It could be an excuse for anything! I know I make so many excuses not to workout…too tired, ate too much, etc…


Filed under Cycling, Exercise, Pinterest

12 responses to “Home workout!

  1. That’s so awesome that you have one of those bike trainers, or whatever they’re called! I wish we had home workout equipment…but I also like going to the gym and I would prob feel guilty having a gym membership if we did 🙂

  2. I’ve been wanting to try the home workouts I see on pinterest!! They would kick my butt. I also need to stop eating so much frozen food. I always have more time than I think, but in my head I need to get things done ASAP and the faster the better.

  3. These home workouts have been intriguing me too! They are so tough, but like you said, can be done quick and are guaranteed to kick your butt!

  4. Ummm totally trying this at-home work out… but will likely try it at the gym!

  5. That’s a great workout to get in while you have some time at home. I really enjoy having a treadmill at home.

  6. I love finding workouts on Pinterest. It is the best place to find any type of workout you wana to do!

  7. I spin on my trainer 4 times a week and would love some workout ideas to do on the trainer if your willing to share 🙂

    • Of course!!! I usually just put a good show on the tv, and base my workouts on how long it is. Most times, I do a five minute warm up, then do some short sprints (30 second high intensity/resistance, 30 second low resistance). I usually do that about five times and then pedal easy for two or three minutes. Then, I will do some longer stuff (1 minute high intensity, 1 minute low intensity). Then another break. I finish it off with about 5 minutes of a hard intensity, high gear ride and then 5 minutes of easy pedaling. I also have a Spinterval DVD that is REALLY tough! It came with my fluid trainer and it makes for a GREAT workout! If you have any questions, let me know!

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